Using data to build a Bot

Over the past weeks, I’ve spent quite a bit of time exploring the new Microsoft Bot Framework.  During that exploration, what becomes clear immediately is that the resulting application is somewhat rigid (like most applications).  The conversation of the bot is coded directly into the bot, which means that a change to the conversation requires […]

Creating a CLR assembly in SQL Server

Recently I had a need to do some performance testing against a CLR assembly in SQL Server.  It seemed to me that the first step to do that performance testing was to create a CLR assembly in SQL Server.  It was a new experience for me, so I thought I’d share the details with you.  […]

Azure Emulator Table Storage Pain

Recently I’ve been working on an Azure based project.  Luckily for me, I’ve also had the guidance of Azure guru Brent Stineman to help guide me through the Azure bits.  This is my first Azure based project, so there are definitely some learning pains. One of the pains that I ran into early on had to […]

WordPress with SQL Server

So the other day I had a brilliant idea that I wanted to start writing a blog.  It was brilliant because I normally don’t care much for writing.  I never really enjoyed the composition classes in high school or college and I certainly don’t keep any sort of journal.  The extent of my writing is generally limited to e-mails […]